
「グローバル・ヘルス・ウォッチ」は、WHOの報告書とは異なる、市民の視点から、世界各地の事例を集め、分析し、提言を盛り込んだ報告書です。その第6版(副題は”In the Shadow of the Pandemic”)が1月に発行。それに際し、下記のウェビナーが開催されます。パンデミックが私たちの健康に与えた影響を、保健だけでなく社会のさまざまな切り口から分析した新版の内容を、ぐっと凝縮したもののようです。深夜ではありますけれども、ぜひ!


Zoom URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81030715128?pwd=c1hRZVNvR0oyTFVsMG1pNjBoT284QT09

Zoom ID: 810 3071 5128,  Passcode: 494687


At the launch of the 6th edition of Global Health Watch (GHW6) , titled “In the shadow of the pandemic”, the webinar will be held as follows:
Date: 27 April, 2022

Time: 6.30 PM CEST / 4.30 PM UTC / 01:30AM, Apr 28, JST

Click here to join on zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81030715128?pwd=c1hRZVNvR0oyTFVsMG1pNjBoT284QT09

Zoom ID: 810 3071 5128; Passcode: 494687

* Interpretations in English, español, français, عربى available on Zoom

* GHW is the alternative world health report to the WHO’s one, which is produced by People’s Health Movement (PHM) and others from the standpoint of civil society every few years. The 6th edition (GHW6) focuses on the impact of the pandemic and covers diverse issues related to the global political and economic architecture, pandemic lessons for health systems, emergent issues in the social and environmental determinants of health, and pandemic influences on global health governance.

See the detail from here:  https://phmovement.org/global-health-watch-6-in-the-shadow-of-the-pandemic/


職員 清水