Click here for the concept note and webinar schedule. Translation in Hindi will be provided.
Date: 20th July 2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 11 AM UTC/ 4:30 PM Indian/ 7 PM Manila/ 8 AM Rio de Janeiro/ 1 PM Cape Town
Zoom Link:
- Surekha (ASHA Workers Union, CITU, India)–How Covid-19 exacerbated challenges faced by ASHAs of the national government-run Community Health Worker programme
- Dickson Namsima (Senior CHW, Malawi)-Issues faced by CHWs during Covid, mobilization and advocacy for CHW safety and working conditions
- Catia Calage (Community Health Agent from Brazil)- Community Health Agents in the Brazil’s Unified Health Systems (SUS)
- Karl Briscoe (CEO, NAATSIHWP, Australia)-Lessons from the work of Australian Aboriginal Community Health Workers
- KateLappin (Regional Secretary for Asia and Pacific Regional Office, PSI) & Banaani Deka (CHW campaign coordinator, PSI South Asia)- Gender and care work: Campaign demands and advocacy on CHWs
- CHW speakers from PHM South Africa, Philippines & Columbia (TBC)
- CHW speakers from Philippines
- CHW speaker from South Africa
- CHW speaker from Colombia
Moderated by- Helen Schneider, University of Western Cape
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