日時:November 10, 2020: 10-11:30am EST (日本時間) 2020年11月11日(金)00:00 – 01:30
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WEBINAR-Health in All Policies in times of COVID-19: What roles for the health sector moving forward?
This webinar is organized by the National Health Commission Office of Thailand, the Global Network for Health in All Policies, the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy, with the support of the World Health Organization.
This webinar is the fourth in a series of five webinars on multisectoral collaboration in response to COVID-19, organized by the National Health Commission Office (NHCO) of Thailand. For this fourth webinar, the NHCO is partnering with the Global Network for Health in All Policies (GNHiAP). The ultimate objective of this webinar series is to seek answers on how to make multi-sectoral collaboration sustainable, what are the enabling factors for multi-sectoral collaboration, how can they these factors be maintained when the COVID-19 situation improves and how can we apply multi-sectoral collaboration lessons from the COVID-19 response to future health crisis.
COVID-19 has impacted almost all dimensions of society, including for example; health, the economy, and food security. We have learnt that this unprecedented pandemic cannot be handled by a government alone, rather it requires a range of stakeholders coming together with a common purpose; to fight against COVID-19 and its negative impacts. COVID-19 has highlighted that a multi-sectoral collaborative approach is essential in a time of crisis. However, implementing and maintaining this multi-sectoral approach during and post COVID-19 is a challenge. Once the crisis subsides will the lessons learnt on multi-sectoral collaboration fade away? In this context, and as the pandemic evolves overtime, how can the health sector support multi-sectoral collaboration to address inequalities and act on the social determinants of health deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
This webinar will look to Health in All Policies (HiAP) for insight on how to move forward multi-sectoral collaboration and how the health sector can position itself to foster positive outcomes in terms of health equity.
- Learn from the principles of HiAP in time of COVID-19
- Explore the role of the health sector in supporting collaborative responses throughout the various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Learn about how the health sector can strengthen multisectoral action and explore opportunities for sustaining this approach going forward.
NGOs, CSOs, academia, government agencies from health and non-health sector from as well as members of the GNHiAP, and other related networks.
This webinar will be offered on 2 different dates and times to facilitate participation from all over the world!
October 29, 2020: 2-3:30pm ICT –(already done)
Contact person: Khanitta Seaiew, NHCO, Thailand: Khanitta@nationalhealth.or.th
November 10, 2020: 10-11:30am EST – Click here to register :https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2gLSf18vQAKpT3LGZ2jUgQ
Click here to learn more about the program and speakers: https://actionsdg.ctb.ku.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Flyer-webinarseriesonGNHiAP-November10-scaled.jpg
Contact person:
Marianne Jacques, coordinator, Global Network for Health in All Policies: GNHiAP@inspq.qc.ca
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